Terms of reference: Telling the story of how alliance-building around ‘men and masculinities’ contributes to gender equality

MenEngage Global Alliance is looking for a consultant to develop an story illustrating the impact of MenEngage Alliance’s work on gender justice, women’s rights, and LGBTQI rights

MenEngage Alliance is seeking to work with a consultant with a flair for impact-driven storytelling to develop a story of change that illustrates the story of how MenEngage Alliance, through a variety of activities and approaches, has an impact for women’s rights, gender justice, LGBTQI rights, climate justice, and social justice for all. The story of change, developed closely with the Global Secretariat and other stakeholders within MenEngage Alliance, will serve as a blueprint for a series of future stories of change to be developed on an ongoing basis.

The consultant will work with the Global Secretariat of MenEngage Alliance, as well as other key stakeholders, to identify members and activities of MenEngage Alliance, from a variety of regions of the world, to tell the story of our impacts as a social change network. Working with those members and partners of MenEngage Alliance who are identified, the consultant will unpack how their involvement in MenEngage Alliance has contributed to broader positive change along gender equality and other social justice measures.

About MenEngage Alliance

MenEngage Alliance is an international social change network harnessing the collective energies of our members towards ending patriarchal power and supporting women’s rights; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) rights; and human rights—and achieving gender justice and social justice for all.

With more than 1,100 members across regional, sub-regional, and country networks, we work—collectively and individually—to bring a unique voice of transforming masculinities and engaging men and boys towards advancing gender justice.

Much of the work of MenEngage Alliance revolves around convening members, providing spaces to discuss and exchange ideas and promising practices, consolidating knowledge, coordinating spaces for strengthening a collective agenda, and doing collective advocacy or similar activities. These activities are facilitated by the Global Secretariat of MenEngage Alliance, plus various leaders such as the Global Board or through the various regional or country networks.

Our activities fall under the four strategic areas of: Link (Alliance and partnership building); Learn (Knowledge management); Improve (Capacity strengthening); and Influence (Advocacy and campaigning).

Rationale for developing a story of change

MenEngage Alliance is a network, which means that the bulk of our work involves convening organizations and individuals who are doing program implementation, and adding value through the four strategies mentioned above. Through those strategies, our work has an impact for our members and the wider field, who implement programs directly with beneficiaries on the ground, which in turn creates greater positive change for gender justice.

Therefore, the question arises how MenEngage Alliance’s work contributes to ‘on-the-ground’ results for gender justice. The steps that connect our activities as a network and our impact for gender justice are described in our Theory of Change. But Theories of Change are, as the name suggests, theoretical. The challenge we face is how to share tangible, practical examples of the impact of convening networks. This concept note proposes to meet this challenge through the power of storytelling.

Telling the story of networking for impact

Those involved in MenEngage Alliance generally agree on the importance of networking and field-building—to improve their own work and impact as members, as well as to contribute to a larger collective cause. It was for this reason that MenEngage Alliance was originally formed by like-minded organizations who sensed a calling to come together around a shared mission and vision.

We firmly believe that collaboration, partnership, movement-building, and community-of-practice approaches are essential to achieving our vision. Organizations working alone in the male-engagement space have an impact at a particular level and in particular contexts. To achieve lasting progressive change and a future in which all people live free of hatred, discrimination, and violence, we must come together—not only as MenEngage Alliance, but across social justice movements seeking systemic change, which can only be achieved collectively.

Yet, while there is internal buy-in on the value of MenEngage Alliance, this is not as visible externally—including to key stakeholders such as donors. Through practical examples, there is a need to better tell the story of how being involved in MenEngage Alliance impacts the work of members (and the broader field), and in turn achieves a positive impact for gender justice and other social justice issues. 


A single impact-driven story of change, finalized by the end of October 2024. The process and end product will be used to inform future stories of change, which we envision to expand in scope to address numerous topics above, and to showcase the diversity of regions, approaches, and people who make up MenEngage Alliance.

Insights, quotes, and anecdotal evidence should be shared regularly throughout the process, so these can be incorporated into other ongoing materials the organization produces. The length and exact format of the story of change is to be defined through the project to account for the best way of sharing what emerges from the process.

Process, approaches, values

  • Carefully review key documents such as the MenEngage Alliance Strategic Plan (including the Theory of Change). Ensure the story of change provides examples of how different aspects of the Theory of Change work in practice.
  • Ensure the inclusion of diversity in the story of change based on geographic location, approaches/activities, and represented identities. It is assumed that any given story will involve multiple people and organizations, rather than focusing on individual-level work. 
  • Ensure MenEngage’s unique lens of engaging men and boys and transforming patriarchal masculinities is addressed through the work exemplified in the story of change. 
  • The story of change is expected to be informed by a significant investment of time in interviews with members. The approach to these interviews will need to be developed.
  • In addition to interviews, other supporting materials will need to be gathered from members. This could include anything from published resources to quantitative results, from photos and video to media coverage in news outlets.
  • The story of change should include a written component that can be used or adapted in designed materials or online. Exploration of other forms of media is also encouraged—such as audio, video, infographics, photography and illustration, as relevant.
  • Final design and presentation of the story of change must be considered throughout the process, together with associated budget considerations.
  • Where relevant, the story of change should present examples of cross-regional collaboration or synergies in the work between regions. Working with the Global Secretariat to identify the strongest story, the project should draw upon the various regional, sub-regional, and country networks of MenEngage, including but not limited to: Africa; Caribbean; Europe; Latin America; North America; Middle East & North Africa; and South Asia.
  • The consultation should be approached in adherence to the Accountability Framework of MenEngage Alliance. When researching and developing the story of change studies, the consultant should be clear on how they intend to incorporate intersectional feminist and decolonial practices/approaches in the process.

Story focus area examples

The story of change should cover a  relevant topic, as well as relevant strategic approaches of MenEngage Alliance within the frame of our Theory of Change. The chosen topic to focus on could draw upon the work areas and approaches of:

Work areas

  • Preventing and ending violence against women and girls
  • Accountability
  • LGBTQIA rights and inclusion
  • Sexual and reproductive health and rights
  • Unpaid care and child rights
  • Climate justice
  • Youth leadership and engagement


  • Advocacy (national, regional and global)
  • Work with men in institutions (work-place settings, including male-dominated institutions)
  • Work with young men through education and health-care settings

Desired Qualifications

  • Excellent research, and writing skills—particularly through engaging impact-focused storytelling
  • Understanding of social change networks, their role, their function, their activities/operations, and their goals/impact
  • Familiarity with concepts such as intersectionality, feminism, and decolonisation – and men and masculinities (preferred)

Timeline and application process

The project should start at the consultant’s earliest convenience, final story of change to be delivered by the end of October 2024. The timeframe for researching, drafting, and rounds of feedback to be proposed by the consultant.

We welcome proposals from people from all backgrounds and encourage those from underrepresented communities to apply.

The consultant will report to the Networks and Membership Manager of MenEngage Alliance.

Expressions of interest should include a letter of interest, detailed curriculum vitae, and a draft outline for the assignment of maximum two pages including anticipated budget, to info@menengage.org with the title “application for stories of Change for MenEngage Alliance”.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Those who have an interest should submit their application at their earliest convenience. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.