Informe de investigación Sistematización del trabajo en masculinidades en América Latina y el Caribe hispanohablante

This integrative research, conducted in late 2022 and early 2023, explores and describes interventions with men across Latin America and the Caribbean, focusing on men’s roles in achieving gender equality and deconstructing patriarchal structures.

Note: The study shared here, Sistematización del trabajo en masculinidades, is only available in Spanish. This page has been developed based on the Spanish language report using AI translation capabilities.

The purpose of this study was to explore, review and describe the interventions with men in the Latin American and Caribbean region from a gender studies perspective.

In order to gain insight into the effectiveness of current practices, the study posed two key questions to practitioners in the Latin America and Spanish-speaking Caribbean region. These practitioners are involved in working with men and boys on issues such as gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive rights, and child-rearing practices. The two key questions are:

  1. How can we contribute to ending patriarchal power, protecting human rights and achieving social justice? 
  2. To ensure that working with men of all ages truly contributes to gender equality, what listening and engagement responsibilities are essential?

The study employed an integrative research approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methods, to conduct a deep analysis of complex phenomena related to interventions with men. The initial exploratory research of this study identified general trends and contexts concerning male-focused interventions in the region, and addressing gaps in existing literature. This study used a voluntary, anonymous survey to which 141 people responded and undertook 15 semi-structured interviews with experts on male-focused interventions.

Following are the key areas of work with men and masculinities in the region that the study maps:

  • Prevention of gender based violence
  • Support groups for non-hegemonic or positive masculinities
  • Parenting
  • Sexual and reproductive health rights
  • Attention for male perpetrators of violence
  • LGBTQI+ rights
  • Training and capacity building

The research provides specific insights and recommendations for effective interventions with men and boys and for strengthening the MenEngage Latin America regional network from within. Noting that progress has been made concerning interventions with men and masculinities over the past 20 years in Latin America and the Caribbean, the report provides 8 opportunities that practitioners can utilise further in their work. Additionally, 11 distinct yet interlinked challenges associated with working with men for gender justice and equity are outlined. 

The research suggests that male-focused interventions should go beyond merely preventing violence. Interventions should also encourage men to think about their controlling behaviours in the context of their culture, as successful interventions are those that are relevant to men and based on their own experiences. The key recommendations are to take an intersectional approach, provide mental health support for those running the interventions and make organisations more resistant to replicating patriarchal behaviours.

Noting the need to build alliances, on a larger scale, the recommendations call for stronger regional networking and linking with feminist organisations, public policy advocacy, and long-term funding for intervention programmes. There should be inclusive public policies that promote positive masculinities from childhood. These should address health, work, education and gender violence prevention. The research shows that we need long-term, evidence-based strategies to make gender equity a reality.

Who will find this resource useful

This resource will be valuable to researchers, policymakers, and organisations working in the Latin Americas and Spanish speaking Caribbean region who are involved in working with men and boys for gender equality. It offers actionable insights into effective strategies for addressing masculinity and fostering gender equality across diverse sociocultural contexts.

About the author

Centro SOMOS* NOA1  is a non-governmental organisation constituted as a professional work cooperative based in San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina. It aims, from a research-action perspective, to work on issues related to the promotion and protection of human rights, with a focus on gender and diversity, paying special attention to gender stereotypes and the existence of unequal and even stigmatising and discriminatory treatment of women, diverse people and men who do not conform to the hegemonic social model, which gives rise to imbalances and conflicts. 

1Centro de formación, intervención e Investigación en Géneros, Masculinidades y Diversidad del NOA


The intellectual property of this report belongs to MenEngage Latin America.


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This resource only exists in Spanish. 

Sistematización del trabajo en masculinidades-2024

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Full Report Summary
