Statement on the war in Ukraine – MenEngage Europe
It is with great sadness and anger that we witness the dramatic developments in Ukraine. The war on innocent civilians and military operations on Ukrainian soil shows us the disastrous side of military violence and warfare. Innocent lives are taken and threatened, civilians are forced to leave their homes, infrastructure is being destroyed, the environment is degraded, and civil society is eroded.
We, as MenEngage Europe, are dedicated to ending men’s violence in all its forms, no matter where and how it takes place. We support the development of non-violent and caring masculinities, and reject the dominating, aggressive roles normally associated with masculinity. MenEngage Europe strives for a world where peace prevails, and violence is eradicated.
At the root of this (and many other) conflicts are dominant men who control military, political, economic, and administrative power. As a result, men and boys are forced, pressured and expected to join the military and take up arms. Innocent people – men, women and children – suffer the appalling and destructive consequences of this patriarchal system of statesanctioned violence.
We believe in the power of peaceful change, and we stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine who deserve to live freely and safely in their homes and communities. We stand with all people around the world who act in unity and voice their support for those affected by war. And we stand in solidarity with organisations and individuals who support refugees and migrants, stand up for peace and non-violence and help civil society in the region.
For more information about what MenEngage Global Alliance are doing on peacebuilding and countering militarism, please read this paper from our global Ubuntu Symposium here.