
MenEngage Togo seeks to build a strong and vibrant country network by establishing partnerships with organisations that work to promote gender justice and the rights of women, children, young people and other vulnerable groups.
To engage men and boys on issues of gender justice, MenEngage Togo currently runs the following activities:
- Implementation of gender transformative approaches in members’ projects.
- Outreach and advocacy
- Research and policy advocacy
- Information, education and communication (Publishing, Radio and TV debates)
- Training and capacity building workshops, conferences and campaigns on positive masculinity and fatherhood, gender equality, women’s empowerment, GBV/STI/HIV prevention
- Resource sharing and networking with women’s movements
- Working with men and boys, women and girls, teachers, traditional/community and religious leaders
- Promotion of youth men’s and women’s clubs activities focusing on gender equality and GBV prevention
- Promotion of cultural activities (theatres, music productions and competitions) focusing on gender justice and GBV prevention.