Since 2004, MenEngage Africa members have been forming country level networks. MenEngage Africa is made up of 22 country networks spread across East, South, West and Central Africa.
With more than 300 non-governmental organisations at grass-root, national and regional levels, MenEngage Africa is the largest of the regional MenEngage Alliance networks.
MenEngage Africa was formed as a reginoal network in 2008. It has since held multiple regional symposiums, launched an international accountability training program, and initiated a youth network.
Key priorities for the network include sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence prevention, HIV prevention, child rights, positive parenting, and promoting peace on the continent.
MenEngage Africa members work together for joint advocacy at national levels with their governments. At international levels, members work with Regional Economic Communities and intergovernmental agencies such as the African Union.
The network helps strengthen capacities for gender justice work through the MenEngage Africa Training Initiative (MATI), which offers capacity building programs that are run regularly with university partners. The vision for MATI is to build a dynamic, vocal and visible network of leaders and gender justice advocates that will drive the gender equality and human rights agenda on the African continent.
How we are organized
The highest decision-making body of MenEngage Africa is the annual general meeting (AGM) which sits once annually. The network is governed by a Steering Committee that is elected by AGM. The Steering Committee is made up of sub-regional representatives, strategic partners representing organisations working in relevant thematic areas, and representatives of key constituencies for youth, women’s rights and LGBTIQ+ rights.
Find out more about the region’s structures, activities, and priorities at the MenEngage Africa website.