Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures

We are committed to prevent and end all forms of sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence

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We as MenEngage Alliance, together with our members, are committed to act as allies to targets of sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence, be upstanders and hold each other accountable. Our Core Principles, Code of Conduct and mission guide the Alliance and its members to treat everyone with dignity, respect and empathy, to ensure consent in sexual activities while being mindful of power differentials that may compromise consent, and to listen to and to take seriously any concern that we are aware and/or made aware of. The Alliance, as a collective, is committed to support and hold each other to account for the ‘blind spots’ that we might have as individuals and improve our role of being vigilant on possible acts that might constitute sexual violence and finding ways to collectively respond.

The policy applies in particular to our work and relationships within our organizations and networks. Harmful behaviors related to sexual violence, including sexual harassment, taking place in other spheres of our lives will be dealt as part of our Code of Conduct.