We condemn the recent violence in Rafah and join the feminist voices from all around the globe to call for an immediate ceasefire

MenEngage Alliance, along with our over 1,100 members from 92 countries around the world, collectively express our deep sadness and dismay at the horrifying attack on the refugee camp in Rafah, Palestine by Israeli forces. According to Save the Children, at least 66 people—including children—were killed. This violence and killing must end now. Those responsible must be held to account.

Once again, we collectively appeal to the international community and the responsible authorities for an immediate cease fire. We reiterate our call for the release of all hostages held by Hamas. And we stand in solidarity with international calls for the end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine and for the liberation of Palestinians, for a future based on principles of peace, reconciliation and human rights.
We re-share our statement of 10 November 2023, with a deep sense of dismay, grief, and anger that the killing of Palestinians has continued unabated in the seven months since then. We urge the entire international community, policymakers, and world leaders to work for peace and human rights – NOW!
As an intersectional network that strives for gender justice and inclusivity for all, we join the call of all the feminist voices that have raised how the occupation in Palestine is indeed a feminist issue.
We urge leaders and all who support the cause of peace and justice to heed the calls of feminist peace movements and networks, including statements and resources by:
04 June 2024