MenEngage Ubuntu Discussion Papers e-book
Six discussion papers exploring a range of critical topics around transforming patriarchal masculinities and working with men and boys for gender justice.

This series is based on discussions of the 3rd MenEngage Global Symposium – the Ubuntu Symposium. It reflects the inputs of many activists, researchers, policy-makers, and people working with men and boys for gender justice around the world.
If you prefer to access each paper separately, they are also available as to download individually:
- Engaging men and boys in ending gender-based violence, including violence against women and girls
- Backlash and Fundamentalism
- Men, Masculinities and Climate Justice
- Peacebuilding and Countering Militarism
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC)
- Unpaid Care and Economies of Care
Click here to read the Executive Summary.
Who will find this resource useful?
This e-book offers a wide-ranging analysis for anyone interested in understanding how masculinities, and work with men and boys, relates to a range of global and interconnected issues. It presents the opportunities, challenges, and gaps in continuing to advance gender-transformative work with men and boys across these issues. The papers are relevant to activists, researchers, policy-makers, and people working with men and boys for gender, and social justice.
Find out more
Read more about the MenEngage Ubuntu Symposium and the key outcome document: the Ubuntu Declaration and Call to Action.
Explore the video archive of the MenEngage Ubuntu Symposium
About the authors
These six symposium synthesis papers were written by subject matter experts in the respective fields, with reviewers from across MenEngage Alliance.