Regional curriculum on transforming masculinities towards gender justice

Developed by the Regional Learning Community for East and Southeast Asia (RLC), this curriculum is a resource for capacity development. Through practical exercises, this manual offers a conceptual framework for understanding masculinities, with suggestions on how to adapt it to local contexts.

Regional curriculum on transforming masculinities towards gender justice

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Aimed at practitioners, the curriculum encourages challenging patriarchal masculinities, promoting gender equality, and preventing violence. The curriculum consists of 40 learning activities, grouped under various thematic clusters, to help practitioners in their work of building capacity and raising awareness for gender transformative change.

The curriculum encourages self-reflection and collective action to drive positive change at the individual, family, community, and societal levels. While the authors note that “it is important to remember that changing deeply held views is difficult,” still through the introduction of various learning activities, the curriculum equips its users to challenge beliefs and practices that perpetuate inequalities and violence.

There is great emphasis on developing facilitators’ skills in creating supportive environments, handling disclosure, confronting oppression, and fostering positive learning environments for change to take place. 

The curriculum advocates for personal and societal transformation, promoting equal participation, democracy, and transparency. It also underscores the importance of partnerships, trust, and solidarity in fostering a collaborative community as well.

Key objectives of the curriculum include:

  1. Enhancing users’ capacity to grasp masculinities, patriarchy, and gendered power relations
  2. Nurturing critical consciousness for a deeper analysis of gender-related issues
  3. Providing engaging learning activities to promote informed action

As such, the overarching goal is to cultivate a deep understanding of gender justice and human rights, emphasize the eradication of gender-based violence (GBV), center respect for sexual diversity and rights, and achieve gender transformative change. 

Who will find this resource useful?

Social and gender activists, advocates, researchers, community mobilizers, and members of civil society organizations, will all find this useful for personal and interpersonal development and capacity strengthening.

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Visit UNGEI’s Knowledge Hub for more resources. 

About the authors

The United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI) is a collaborative initiative that galvanizes action for girls’ education and gender equality. Launched in 2000, UNGEI has played a pioneering role in promoting collective action and holding the international community accountable for commitments to gender equality in education. With a membership of over 30 organizations, UNGEI continues to guide, support, and advocate for specific actions to close the gender gap in education and unlock its transformative power.

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