Sierra Leone

The objectives of MenEngage Sierra Leone are:
- To improve the status of women and girls and address issues of gender inequality
- To circumvent the traditional academic approach to gender promotion and advocacy by adopting a bottom-top approach with grassroots oriented strategies from within family settings
Key activities include:
- Community engagement forums on masculinity issues
- Raising awareness of national gender law and policy
- Radio discussion programs on gender equality
- Community drama performances on gender in relation to HIV and AIDS
- Intergenerational dialogues at community level on social norms and how they amplify violence against women and girls
- Public rallies
- School outreach programmes
- Debates and symposiums
- Training and capacity building for rural based men
- Training of men and boys on gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence
- Policy Advocacy Campaigns on GBV laws and gender equality
- Training of Trainers of Civil Society Groups on social norms and mobilization on gender and GBV law