Human Rights Day | 2024

December 10 marks Human Rights Day and the conclusion of 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women. We take this opportunity to reaffirm that women’s rights are human rights issues.

Human Rights day poster saying women's rights are an human rights issue

76 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2024 marks 76 years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, when the UN Member States came together to collectively enshrine that: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Yet, these universal and inalienable rights continue to be routinely violated across the globe. From staggering levels of femicide to the unbridled funneling of billions of dollars to fund apartheid, wars, ecocides, and genocide, the right of “life, liberty and security of person” (Article 3) remains unfulfilled and willfully violated. 

To fulfill the rights within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we must build systems that center human well-being and ecological health as foundational to addressing systemic challenges like inequality, poverty, and the climate crisis.

Humanity is at a critical turning point. We must act decisively.

Humanity stands at a pivotal moment. The convergence of war, environmental disasters, and systemic inequalities demand immediate and decisive actions. Governments, entrusted with upholding human rights, have too often prioritized militarization and corporate interests over the welfare of the people. These choices not only devastate lives but erode the very foundations of fundamental human rights of people.

On this Human Rights Day, we urge nations to adhere to their commitments. To center their policies on equity, care and justice. 

The Criminalisation of Peace & Activism

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights reminds us of our right to unite and take action for “freedom, justice and peace in the world” (Preamble). 

Governments worldwide compound these crises by criminalising dissent and activism. Human rights defenders, climate activists, and community leaders are being silenced under the guise of national security or public order or culture. This repression is antithetical to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which enshrines the right to freedom of speech, assembly, and peaceful protest (Preamble, Article 5, 19, 20).

Additionally, these measures disproportionately target marginalized and subordinated groups, including women, girls, LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, and Indigenous communities. These actions deepen existing inequalities, excluding entire populations from the promises of rights and justice.

How changing the story of masculinity can help Human Rights for all

Around the world, boys and men are often taught that “being a man” means being dominant, in control, and powerful. However, history shows us countless examples of the harm caused to all when dominance and power over others are celebrated as virtues to be aspired for. Transforming this narrative of power and dominance over others is key to building a more just and equitable world.

This is why, from the local to the global level, MenEngage Alliance stands firmly behind the mandates, statements of action, and principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) and its annual reviews through the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). MenEngage Alliance, together with our members across 93 countries, works in solidarity and partnership with intersectional feminist, LGBTIQ, indigenous, youth, climate and other social justice movements, to encourage governments to remain true to their commitments.

The promotion and protection of universal human rights are fundamental to the work of MenEngage Alliance.

Reclaiming humanity, redefining power

The Menengage Alliance Ubuntu Declaration and Call for Action (2022)  underscores that “the only path ahead is towards inclusion, equity and justice, and a sustainable social economic order based on care, responsibility and accountability. It is a path that must affirm our interdependent humanity and our universal human rights for everyone everywhere.” 

On this Human Rights Day, let us reaffirm our collective commitment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ vision: a world built on dignity, freedom, and equality for all. Let us hold governments accountable for their failures and demand that they prioritize peace, climate justice, and the protection of human rights over militarization and exploitation. Further, following the UN Special Committee of the Human Rights Council’s finding that Israel’s warfare methods in Gaza are consistent with committing genocide, we demand the UN Member States take a firm role to end all the atrocities ongoing around the world, specially in Palestine, Lebanon and surrounding countries, and hold the responsible ones to account for their violation of human rights.

In solidarity
The Global Secretariat
MenEngage Alliance

10 December 2024


Lebanon: In Solidarity
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