Accountability Framework of MenEngage Alliance
The ‘Accountability Framework’ of MenEngage Alliance consists of our Core Principles, Code of Conduct, and Accountability Standards. Together, these documents form a foundation for our shared values, principles, practices, and commitments as individuals, as organizations, and as a collective.

What are the three parts of the Accountability Framework of MenEngage Alliance?
Our Core Principles set out the values, principles, and commitments shared by members of MenEngage Alliance. (→ find out more and download as individual PDF)
Our Code of Conduct outlines the behaviors and practices we commit to upholding as individuals working for gender justice. (→ find out more and download as individual PDF)
Our Accountability Standards relate to institutional commitments and aspirations for how we do our work. They set out standards of practice to which we and our members can be held accountable. (→ find out more and download as individual PDF)
Who will find this resource useful?
If you work with, or wish to work with, men and boys for gender justice, the MenEngage Alliance Accountability Framework can provide a foundation for how to approach the work. While its main purpose is to lay out the shared values and principles for members of MenEngage Alliance, it is useful for any organization in related areas of work.
Find out more
If you would like to learn more about Accountability, visit the ‘Being accountable’ page.
If you have any concerns that you would like to raise, visit the ‘Reporting a concern’ page.
About the authors
The MenEngage Alliance Accountability Framework was updated from previous versions through a consultative and participatory process between 2020 and 2022. It was done together with our members globally and with support from feminist partners. The update has built upon years of critical discussion on the effectiveness and accountability of work to transform masculinities and engage men and boys in women’s rights, LGBTIQ rights, gender and climate justice.
These documents have been carefully reviewed and revised through a consultative and participatory process. In partnership with ATHENA Network and The Equality Institute, we have worked with members and partners around the world to consult on, reflect, examine, and update them. This has been led by the Global Secretariat in close partnership with regional network coordinators.
More than 100 people were involved in dialogues related to this updating process, and 200 people took part through an extensive survey. This process has involved several rounds of inputs and revisions to the texts. The final draft was presented to the Global Board and approved on 21 April 2022.
It is expected these documents will evolve and change over time, as we continue our collective journeys of growth and learning around transforming patriarchal masculinities and working with men and boys for gender justice.